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455 9th St. SW Bandon, OR 97411
(541) 347-3974

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How to scan an assignment using a smart phone:

How to scan documents on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using the Notes app

With Notes, you can scan documents and add a signature or manually sign a document on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Scan a document

  1. Open a note or create a new note.
  2. Tap , then tap Scan Documents.
  3. Place your document in view of the camera on your device.
  4. If your device is in Auto mode, your document will be automatically scanned. If you need to manually capture a scan, tap or one of the Volume buttons.
  5. Drag the corners to adjust the scan to fit the page, then tap Keep Scan.
  6. You can add additional scans to the document or tap Save when you’re done.

Once scanned, assignments can be emailed directly to teachers!

How to scan documents with an Android device using Google Drive app:

Scan a document

  1. Open the Google Drive app .
  2. In the bottom right, tap Add .
  3. Tap Scan .
  4. Take a photo of the document you’d like to scan. Adjust scan area: Tap Crop . Take photo again: Tap Re-scan current page . Scan another page: Tap Add .
  5. To save the finished document, tap Done.

Once scanned, assignments can be emailed directly to teachers!

Clever replaces outdated systems that take away from learning time. Clever is part of a single sign-on (SSO), each student and teacher has access to a free personalized portal with every learning application they use.

Through the Clever Portal, students and teachers can access all their learning programs with a single sign-on. Students spend time learning—not searching for applications or remembering passwords.

The programs pictured below will all be available within Clever.

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